Access Levels
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For each Security Group we define the functions that are available.


From the Main Menu select Maintenance / Users & Settings / Security Group Acces Levels


The following form will be displayed:



From the Security Group field select the required group.  The current security settings will then be displayed.  The RedAnt modules are displayed down the left hand side and the options across the top.  Please Note, not all options apply to all modules e.g. for the Calibration module there is no Process Plan option.  Where the options do not apply to the module they can be left checked or unchecked.


NB: To allow a Group to access a specific option then check it.  When an option is unchecked the Group and all users that belong to that group will be denied access.


The 'Select All' button will check all options for all modules and the 'Deselect All' button will do the reverse.


The following is a list of Options and their security functions:



Used to allow/disallow access to the module itself.  If this is unchecked then the Security Group will be blocked from entering the module altogether.  This is irrespective of whether the other module options are checked or not.  For example lets say we have a group called Office and we want to keep all users that belong to this group from entering the Employees module we would simply uncheck the Menu column against Employees.



Change / Modify an existing record



Creating a New record 


Add Item

Add a new item to an existing record



Delete a record


Delete Item

Delete an item from a record


Print Documents

Output a document to printer, email, fax, export or PDF


Financial Reports

These generally contain financial information and are located on the top menu of a module.  Care should be taken when giving access to these.


Show Values

If checked prices will be shown to a user.  Care should be taken if delivery notes are created by shop floor users as they will be able to see invoice values if this is checked


Change ID

Allows a user to change record ID's such as Customer ID and Stock ID.  This should only be checked for system administrators


Approve PO

If checked this allows the user to approve purchase orders before they are sent to a supplier.


Lock / Unlock

Additional security option which will allow a user to override the Edit security option when a Register Process Plan is locked. See Register Module Lock Plan option.


Complete / Cancel

Allows a user to complete a job / purchase order etc



Select this option with caution as it allows certain critical maintenance tasks to be used and may cause irreversible changes.