Common Command Buttons
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Below are the standard set of command buttons used throughout the system.  The have the same functionality regardless of what module you are using.  This makes it extremely easy and quick to learn different part of the system and functions.


 Starts the procedure to add a new record


 Enters edit mode to allow changes to a record


 Add another item an existing record e.g. delivery note, purchase order etc.


 Move forward one record at a time


 Move backwards one record at a time


 Move forward one item at a time


 Move backwards one item at a time


 Move to the newest record


 Delete item / record


 Search for data (see following help topic)


 Displays a larger view of data stored in a text field


 Add preset notes to a text field


 Preview a document before printing, emailing, faxing etc


 Cancel edit leaving the data exactly as it was before selecting edit


 Save new record or current changes after edit


 Exit the module / Form