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From the Main Menu select Modules >> Maintenance >> Employees


Due to the confidential nature of information held in this module it is recommended that security is applied at the highest level. See the Users and Security section for more details on how to apply this.


This Module holds information for each employee for time & attendace, training records and holidays taken. A typical employee record is shown in the screen shot below.



Field Definitions


Employee No.

A unique number only entry which identifies the employee.  This No. will be used throughout the system to identify any data input by the employee. The employees payrol number can be used for this. 


User ID

If this employee also has a Redant login ID then use the dropdown to associate the employee record with the user



Full employee name


Payroll No.

Employees payroll no. if available


Pin No.

A pin no. can be assigned to each employee to add an extra layer of security when using the shop floor data collection system. Enter a 0 to disable



Full home address



Home telephone No.



Employees Mobile No.



Employees personal email address


Next of Kin

Person to contact in case of emergency



Next of Kin phone number 



Next of Kin mobile phone no.



Any notes to be recorded against the employee


Start Date

Date they started with the company


Finish Date

Date they left the company



Remove this check if the employee has left your employment



Position held


Basic Rate

Basic rate of pay per hour (not essential)



Department the employee belongs to


Maximum Jobs

Enter the maximum no. of different jobs the employee can be working on at any given time


Shift No.

Enter the employee's current shift no.


Holidays Allowed

How many days holiday the employee is allowed per annum


Holiday / Absent Group

this feature is not yet implmented so can be left blank


Pay Holidays

Check this box if you pay the employee for holidays



Select from the various categories available.


Shop Floor - select this category for a general shop floor worker


Supervisor - this category has additional options available. See Data Collection


Staff - use this category for office workers who do not book time to jobs


Subcontractor - use this option when setting up an employee record for recording subcontractor on-site times. We would advise using an employee no. such as 9999 for this.


Training Notes

Enter any training notes for the employee