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Apply Default Address

If you make a change to the default address no.'s this will allow you to make a global change to all register drawings belonging to the customer. Select OK to confirm or Cancel. 


Reset Last Order Date

If for some reason customers are showing incorrect 'last order dates' due to imported data then this option will correct the invalid entries 


Update Registers with Certificate Flag

If you apply the 'Certificate of Conformity' check for the customer, this routine can apply this to all register drawings so that it applies to all new quotes and orders


Month End

This option will zero the current months turnover figure 


Year End

Same as month end but it will add the current year to date values to 'last year to date' figures and zero the year to date values


Create Customer Folders

For users who have imported their customer records from another system, this option will create sub-folders under the main customer document folder.  These folders can be used to store any customer related documentation. Each folder created will be named the same as the Customer ID