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Stock Value

Select either group or supplier and then set the range for each group. There is a further option to narrow the selectionby using the stock type.



See the screen shot below for an example of what is output




Stock List

Outputs a list of stock record using the following ranges



This is a sample output for the report





Stock Balance / Stock Check

This report can produce two different ouputs depending on the selection of report 1 or 2.  The first report is the stock balance report as shown in the first example and report 2 is used for stock taking where the actual quantity can be entered for later adjustment 






GRN Balance

This produces a detailed report showing the full makeup of each stock balance using the GRN's. Use the selections options as in the example screenshot below





Subcontract List

This report, selectable by supplier outputs a list drawings/parts that are specific to subcontractors.





This report values stock that has been allocated to live job orders 





Details all goods in and out for a range of stock records between the selected date ranges




Barcode Tools


The report produces a list of stock records which have a type of 'Tool' with there corresponding barcode and ID. It can be used for scanning tools inand out of stock