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The Switches tab contains many options which control the way the software reacts to certain information.  Changing these can have a major effect to the system and should only be changed under guidance from technical support.  Below is a description of each switch and what its function is.



When the option is checked/selected, this will enable the actions listed below:


Setup Time Print

Prints the Process Operation Setup Time on the Route / Job Card


Cycle Time Print

As above but for Cycle Time


Show Drawing Notes at Delivery Note Entry

Any Drawing notes are displayed to the user when creating a Delivery Note


Job Contract Review

Enforces Job Contract Review procedures at Job Order Entry


Quote Review

As above but for Quotations.  If the Item option is also checked then the review is enforced for each item on a quotation


Show Part No Issue

Shows the Part No Issue field from all modules


Delivery Note Invoice Batching

Generate a single invoice from 1 or more delivery notes


Invoice No as Delivery No.

Invoice number will be the same as the delivery note number


Job No as Works No

Works No will be the same as the Job No.  If Assemblies are being used then this must be unchecked


Register Certificate Of Conformity

Every new part or drawing added to the system will default to requiring a Certificate Of Conformity


Purchase Order Certificate

All purchase order items will request a Certificate Of Conformity


Suspend Jobs When Clock Out

Will suspend the time on any live jobs the employee is clocked on to


System Alerts

Will generate email messages when software events occur. See System Alerts help for more details


Check For Software Updates

RedAnt will check for software updates which are available for download.  See help on RedAnt Updates


Material Full Trace

Every new Part or Drawing by default will require manual material allocation.  See Matertial Allocation for more details


Fax Email Receipt

Will request an email receipt from the windows fax server when a fax has been successfully sent


Backward Planning - Create New Job

An employye will have the ability to create a new job from the data collection system.


Backward Planning - Create New Op

An employye will have the ability to create a new operation from the Data Collection module.


Allow Op Edit

Will allow an employee to edit the operation description using the Data Collection module


Show All Quotes On Job Entry

When adding a new order all quotes for the part/drawing will be offered to the user for selection


Sales Price Matrix

Enables price matrix - see Price Matrix for more details


Force C Of C Print

Will force the operator to print a Certificate Of Conformity before printing a Delivery Note


Allocate Material On Delivery Note Entry

Allocates all outstanding material requirements when a delivery note is generated.  This feature is not something that should be selected unless under guidance from a technical support agent


Activate Job On Entry

When entering a new Job Order the system will change its Status to Active.  This option should be used with caution and will bypass some critical order Status procedures.


Common Order No

This will apply the Common Order No. option for all new customers.  This will stop an operator mixing different customer order items on the same delivery note.


Check For Duplicate Order Numbers

When a new customer order is entered onto the system the software will perform a check to see if the order number already exists and a warning will be issued if one is found.


Display Record Details

At the bottom of every module window will be shown database and record information


Activity Log

This will track any changes made within a module.  It can be used to determine when data is added or changed by a user.


Order Acknowledgement Before Contract Review

Will allow the printing of an acknowledgement before a contract review has taken place


Komatsu Delivery Labels

Allow the production of delivery labels for Komatsu


Goods Out Label On Material/Stock Allocation

When booking goods in an identification label will be generated automatically


Calculate Material Requirments On Order Entry

When entering a new Job Order the system will calculate material required for the job.  A demand will be shown in the stock and purchase order modules.  Removing this check will delay this happening until the Job is Active.