Materials Tab
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This section is used apply any material costs to the drawing. There are 2 distinct ways you can enter material costs in this section. Firstly using a stock ID and secondly by ignoring the stock id and manually typing in the material description.  The first method relies on there being a stock record for the material or item required. If it doesnt exist then we can setup a stock record using the  button on the bottom right of the tab window. The general rule here is that if the material item is going to be used time and time again for different drawings AND you want the system to track movements, valuation, usage and probably most importantly traceability then you MUST create a stock ID record.  If any of this is NOT important then you can skip the stock id field and manually type the information in every time. 


For our tutorial then lets say we were looking for a 10mm dia. Stainless round bar. Click in the stock id column and enter RBM10 this is a dropdown lookup field and the system will attempt to locate the first 10mm dia. Metric bar.


Press enter to use the first one in the list. Now press enter to move to the description field. You can change the default description here if desired. Press enter to move to the supplier field.  Here you can change the default supplier for this material. 


In the quantity field enter the amount of material in the units shown to MAKE ONE ITEM. Lets enter 20 and move to the price field. The last known price has been entered for you. Remember this is a price per unit. The unit is what we are stocking this item in. This can be any unit of measure that we have setup in our stock system. Leave the price as it is and enter 20 in the mark-up field. The mark-up % field tells the system to add a % profit margin onto the material cost when calculating the estimate. The notes field can contain any useful information you may want to refer to.


Press enter to start a new line, this but time leave the stock id blank and enter some fictitious information into the remaining fields. We use the term Materials to refer to a general collection and can be anything from raw material e.g. bar,  nuts, bolts, washers, castings and even finished (completed) stock.


Next - Subcontract Tab