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Use the Process tab to plan and estimate all the operations necessary to manufacture the item from start to finish.  We recommend commencing the operation number starting at 10 in increments of 10 which will allow the addition of operations at a later date without having to renumber them.


Using the button located in the work centre field select from your list of predefined work centres.  Once selected the default description from the work centre record will be applied to the Description column. Further editing can be done by selecting the button within the description column.


Setup and Cycle time are shown in minutes, however to enter 6 hours you can enter 6h in the column and this will be converted to minutes for you. Other suffix's that can be used are s (seconds), w (weeks), d (day) and h (hours)


Movement time is used in two ways. Firstly it is additional non-chargeable time which can be added to an operation before it is started on the next operation. This is used in the scheduling and capacity planning modules so that the system can put a delay from one operation to the next. The second use is for any subcontract work. We do not apply times to setup or cycle for external work but we do apply these times to movement. Invariably these times will be fairly large and can be several thousand minutes.  Use the suffix's mentioned earlier to apply days and weeks of time.  The system assumes subcontact operations as only being available 5 days a week which excludes weekends. Each day is applied as 24 hours.


The cycle quantity is how many can be made in the cycle time entered. This defaults to 1 and would therefore be the time it takes to complete 1. You could enter 60 minutes in the cycle and then use the cycle quantity to enter how many per hour.


Setup rate and cycle rates are the hourly charges you wish to charge for this process. Do not enter any subcontract prices here. We will use the subcontract tab for this later.


The Quality and Tooling buttons have additional information available which will be discussed later when planning an item for manufacture and are not required while producing an estimate



STD Ops (button)

Use this option to insert from a predefined list of operation descriptions. This will append the selected item to the current description. The preset list can be setup in the Work Centres module under Setup > Standard Process Operations.


Update Rates (button)

This option will apply the current setup and cycle charge rates that are associated with the work centres used in the displayed process plan.