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The Subcontact tab is used to enter any work that is required to be carried out by a third party supplier. Use the Op No column to link the subcontract item wuth the subcontract process op no in the process tab. This is vital if there are more than one subcontract operation required.


Like the material section, items can be entered with or without stock id's. Stock id's are used here it allow the user to select quickly from a list of specially defined subcontract stock id's, minimizing the possible lengthy description that is always associated with this type of work. If a stock ID is used then the description can be changed to further depict what is required from a purchasing point of view.  Also minimum charge rates and units can be set in the stock record further reducing input time. If a stock id is not used then the user must fill in the appropriate columns manually.


Depending on what the units column is showing will decide on the value entered in to the quantity column e.g. if the usits are Kg (Kilogram) then the quantity will be the weight of each item and the price will be the price per kilo.  The same definition applies to the Qty Per Unit column as it does for material.


A Minimum charge can be applied to the item so if for any reason the quanity being estimated is lower than this value the minimumcharge figure is applied.


The markup is the same as the material markup and applied when quoting for work.

FP (fixed price) see material help section.